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The events and activities of Palazzo Madama

In this section you can find the collection of all the activities and events of Palazzo Madama
Immagine guida

The colors of freedom

17 March 2023 - 8 May 2023

On the occasion of Biennale Democrazia 2023, entitled Ai confini della libertà, Palazzo Madamapresents, from 17 March to 8 May, The colors of freedom

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The keys to the City in the masterpieces of Palazzo Madama

24 February 2023 - 10 April 2023

Palazzo Madama – Museo Civico d’Arte Antica propone un inedito sguardo sulle sue collezioni civiche e la loro storia attraverso una selezione di opere emblematiche

statuetta – Copia

Congo Italia. Ripensare il passato – esposizione

3 February 2023 - 1 May 2023

Palazzo Madama – Museo Civico d’Arte Antica propone, dal 3 al 27 febbraio 2023, la mostra Congo Italia. Ripensare il passato, a cura di Palazzo Madama, del Museo di Antropologia ed Etnografia dell’Università di Torino e del Centro Interculturale della Città di Torino.

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The city gate. A tale of 2,000 years

21 September 2022 - 30 September 2023

A visual narration, which welcomes the visitor upon entering the museum, to tell the two thousand years of history of Palazzo Madama and Turin, from the Roman age to the twentieth century.

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Past exhibitions

Past exhibitions

Currently exhibitions

Currently exhibitions
