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Artworks on loan and Palazzo Madama Off Exhibitions

In this collection you will find the exhibitions organized by Palazzo Madama for other national and international museums and the works of the museum that are and have been temporarily on loan in exhibitions, venues and events in other museums in Europe and the world.
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Meraviglie Reali! at the Venaria Reale

14 July 2023 - 14:06

Palazzo Madama has a place of honor in the photographic itinerary proposed in preview at the Sale delle Arti of the Reggia di Venaria where, from 14 July until 24 September 2023.


Europe. Italian illustration recounts the Europe of peoples

17 May 2023 - 16:30

The exhibitio "Europe. Italian illustration recounts the Europe of peoples" in 42 offices of the diplomatic-consular network

III.7 M. Marieschi_Veduta del Ponte di Rialto_25cm-300dpi (2) (1)

Venezia nel Settecento. Una città cosmopolita e il suo mito

19 April 2023 - 14:10

The Allegoria di Venezia by the Cozzi-Venezia Manufacture at the Fondazone Accorsi

Immagine guida orizzontale

Il mestiere delle arti in Italia. Capolavori da Palazzo Madama at Narodni Muzej in Zara

2 March 2023 - 10:30

Palazzo Madama presents at the Narodni Muzej Zadar, the National Museum of Zara, the exhibition Il mestiere delle arti in Italia. Capolavori da Palazzo Madama


Rinascimento a Ferrara. Ercole de’ Roberti e Lorenzo Costa

18 February 2023 - 13:17

Two works from Palazzo Madama were loaned for the exhibition "Rinascimento a Ferrara. Ercole de' Roberti e Lorenzo Costa"


Miseria&Nobiltà. Giacomo Ceruti nell’Europa del Settecento

10 February 2023 - 13:06

Giacomo Ceruti's work Sera sulla piazza was on loan for the exhibition Miseria&Nobiltà. Giacomo Ceruti nell’Europa del Settecento


Eleonora di Toledo e l’invenzione della Corte dei Medici a Firenze

6 February 2023 - 16:15

At the Uffizi a work from the Palazzo Madama textile collection


Lustro e lusso dalla Spagna islamica

20 January 2023 - 14:03

Four majolica loaned to the MAO Museum of Asian Art for the exhibition "Lustro e lusso dalla Spagna islamica"


I Bizantini. Alba e tramonto di un impero

21 December 2022 - 15:41

Loans from Palazzo Madama on the occasion of exhibitions "I Bizantini. Alba e tramonto di un impero"